University of Houston- Downtown
Strategic Plan Dashboard
Executive Summary
As a public university, UHD strives to embrace an integrated strategic plan that is aligned with:
1. The university mission;
2. The strategic priorities and goals of the University of Houston System; and
3. The Texas State Higher Education 60x30 Plan.
Goal 1: Student Success - Advise, retain, and educate an increasing number of students who meet the workforce needs.
Outcome 2020: • 28% six year graduation rate. • 75% first year retention. • 60% second year retention.
Goal 2: Student Access - Recruit an increasing number of qualified students from the diverse community.
Outcome 2020: • 15,400 overall students • 146,000 of total semester credit hours in Fall. • 1,595 graduate students (included in overall students).
Goal 3: Programmatic Advancement - Develop nationally and regionally prominent academic programs that provide students with high impact experiences and opportunities to gain 21st century skills.
Outcome 2020: • 15-20 new academic and professional programs and certificates.
Goal 4: Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities - Recruit, retain, and support a highly qualified faculty. Encourage faculty research, scholarship, and creative activities to enhance academic culture and to contribute to regional development.
Outcome 2020: • $4 Million in research expenditures.
Goal 5: External Partnerships - Strengthen external relations with alumni, friends of the University, local and regional communities and businesses, and legislative and governmental entities.
Outcome 2020: • $25 Million in external funding.
Goal 6: Administration and Infrastructure - Invest in staff, infrastructure, and processes that support the institution. |